Call for Submissions
Las Vegas Lit seeks submissions for a themed collection expressing the book’s title concept:
Up From the Ashes We Rise.
Many northern New Mexico residents continue to deal with the aftermath of recent fires and floods, and while personal reflections on rising from the literal ashes are encouraged for this collection, writers may choose to interpret the theme differently, i.e. up from the ashes of lost love, job or career, or up from the ashes of debilitating illness. Use your writer’s imagination to create work about resilience and rebirth in essay, short fiction, or poetic form. The target publication date is early to mid-April 2023, subject to change. Writers published in the collection will receive a copy of the published book.
We welcome all submissions, particularly those from Northern New Mexico writers. There is no reading fee. Please follow the submission guidelines to assure your work is considered for publication. Email questions to hello@lvlitnm.org
The deadline for submissions is midnight, March 17, 2023.
Up from the Ashes We Rise
Any original, unpublished essay, short fiction, or poetry, written in English by the submitting author will be accepted for consideration.
Use the theme for creative inspiration, not as a barrier.
Copyright remains the property of the author.
Multiple submissions accepted.
Short Fiction or Essay submissions: 2000 words maximum.
Poetry submissions: five poems with no poem being longer than 32 lines.
Entries will be judged anonymously by an independent reader.
Each submission must be accompanied by a cover sheet as the first page of the document, with the writer’s name, complete mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, title of the story, and word count.
File format: Microsoft Word doc or docx, 12-point font, preferably Times Roman, double-spaced.
To Submit: Fill out the digital form below and upload your file.
Submissions must be received by March 17, 2023, 12 midnight MST. NO EXCEPTIONS.