Guest Roll
October 23, 2022:
Featured presenter Gina Orlando talking about her book Galactic Herstory, Vol I: Tales of a Warrior Born by the Light
September 25, 2022:
Featured presenter Laurie Bower talks about audiobooks.
Pat Halverson, Featured Author
August 14, 2022:
Featured author Patricia Halverson reading from her new book Travel and Trails.
Open mic event followed with these readers of poetry and prose:
Alex Alexander
Aneata Obrien
John Crain
Mary Rose Henssler
Kate Peck
Gina Orlando
Tom Clagget
Joy Lucinda
Anthony Lopez
Pam Abreu
Sharon Vander Meer
July 24, 2022:
Reading and Writing Historical Fiction, featuring Patti Romero’s novel, Prairie Madness, Conspiracy at Fort Union. Event Zoom only.
May and June:
Hosted Opening and Closing Receptions, LV Arts Council Spring Benefit Show, with the announcement of the Elmer Schooley Short Story Contest winners: John Crain, Mary Rose Henssler, Pam Lewis. Guest poet at the opening reception: Viviana Rivera
April 10, 2022:
Open Mic hosted by NMHU’s Aman Winkle at Sala de Madrid. Ten-plus poets participated.
March 27, 2022:
Next Gen II featured poets: Michael Herndandez, AJ Romero, Antonio Sanchez, Amiyah Lucero, Christian López, Krislynn Pacheco, Julia Archuleta, Anjelika Montoya, Alaynah Defalco, Maya Sena, Josephine Morales, Rachel Ortega, Isabella Ortiz, Hanna Mora, Miley Vigil, Estrella Rodriguez, Andres Abeyta, Naomi Mora, Viviana Rivera. These young poets wrote deeply and presented passionately.
February 27, 2022:
Julie Sola brought her excitement for printmaking to the topic of Word Merchandising. She is an active, full-time artist. Her studio in Las Vegas is located at 1201 National Avenue. Julie said Fat Crow Press Studio and Mercantile is all about being a good business neighbor and provider of unique services.
December 5, 2021:
Tapestry: Tales, Essays, Poetry, book launch. See a list of authors recognized and their bios by clicking the link. Tapestry is available in Las Vegas at Paper Trail on Bridge Street and from Books of the Southwest at Rough Rider Antiques.
October 24, 2021:
Kayt C. Peck, Las Vegas Poet Laureate, is an award-winning author, playwright, poet, screenwriter, and successful grant writer. Kayt read from her books and shared recent poetry. She is one of thirty-two writers who are part of the Tapestry project featuring area writers. Tapestry: Tales, Essays, Poetry, is scheduled for release on Dec. 5.
September 22, 2021:
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with writers Ray John de Aragon and Sylvia Ramos Cruz. De Aragon writes books based on stories he heard growing up and a curiosity that leads him to find new ways to express his love and respect for his culture and the history of Hispanics in New Mexico. Ramos Cruz’s work is inspired by art in all its forms, women’s lives, and everyday injustices. Her works reflect the places that have shaped her life—Puerto Rico, New York, and New Mexico. Her award-winning photographs, prose, poetry, and historical research appear in local and national publications. Go to this Vimeo Link to view the program, approximately one hour long.
August 22, 2021:
Deborah Blanche as Adelina Otero-Warren, a performance and interactive Q&A with La Nina, an active figure in politics, social work, education, and the society of New Mexico’s capital city. Her literary accomplishments, captured in her book, Old Spain in Our Southwest, focus on family memories as well as ranch and hacienda life in early New Mexico Territory. She is also remembered for her influential role in securing the passage of the women’s suffrage amendment by the New Mexico legislature.
July 25, 2021:
Next Gen, featuring youth writers
Maya Sena
Josephine Morales
Dominic Garcia
Christian Lopez
Viviana Rivera
Joshua Sandoval
June 27, 2021:
Donald Price, A Visit with the Author, talks about his book, Grey Wolf. Watch the video here.
May 23, 2021:
Dr. Alvin Korte. Watch his video here.
April 29, 2021:
The Las Vegas Literary Salon joined the rest of the country in celebrating the joy of poetry. at its first Poetry Open Mic Night on Zoom. You may view the video here.
Poets and readers included Las Vegas Poet Laureate Kayt Peck and the following:
Deb Blanche, Actress and Storyteller
David Pascale, Photographer
Beth Urech, Actress, Singer
Judith Vaughn, Writer
David Rogers, Project Manager, Poet
Viviana Rivera, Student Poet
Dominic Garcia, Student Poet
Anthony Lopez, Educator, Poet
Christian Lopez, Student Poet
Patti Romero, Author, Poet
Mary Rose Henssler, Author, Poet, Artist
Robert Henssler, Artist, Photographer, Poet
Sharon Vander Meer, Writer
Jesse Ehrenberg, Poet
Sylvia Ramos, Poet
April 25, 2021:
Jan Beurskens. Jan presented an insightful workshop about Dreams and Creativity. Check out the video here https://vimeo.com/541430040.
March 28, 2021:
Jim Terr. A visit with writer, performer, satirical commentator, photographer… he does a little of everything. Check out Jim’s video at https://youtu.be/TRjZruZJ9rc
Feb. 28, 2021:
Robert Henssler, Mary Rose Henssler, Susie Tsyitee, Sharon Vander Meer. The Get Lit with Las Vegas Literary Salon featured Bob talking about creativity and reading his poetry, Mary Rose gave helpful hints and writing hacks for those times you’re stuck for something to write, Susie talked about writing as an art form, and Sharon shared details about the call for submissions for an upcoming collection of poems, essays, and tales written by area writers. For video go here
Jan. 24, 2021:
Toby Smith, Crazy Fourth: How Jack Johnson Kept His Heavyweight Title and Put Las Vegas, New Mexico, on the Map. To watch a video of this event go to the Las Vegas Literary Salon YouTube Channel here.
Nov. 22, 2020:
Book Talk, Nancy Colalillo and Dennis Ditmanson
This lively discussion about books, new and old, featured two booksellers whose love for literature is contagious. Nancy is expanding the line of books available at Paper Trail (if she doesn’t have it, she’ll order it for you), and Dennis sells from his Books of the Southwest selection at Frankie Ann Tiques. Watch the LVLS video of their presentation here.
Oct. 25, 2020:
Carolyn Martin
Readers predictably ask poets, “Where do you get your ideas?” The most common answer is anywhere and everywhere. But what does that mean specifically? Carolyn Martin’s presentation used her own poems as examples of concrete sources of inspiration.
Sept. 27, 2020:
Ray John de Aragon
Ray John de Aragón is a writer who uses careful research and stories to bring life to New Mexico’s deep and wide history, whether he is delving into fiction, writing nonfiction, or creating a melding of the two. His latest book, Eerie New Mexico, is available from Paper Trail, 158 Bridge Street here in Las Vegas. Watch video here.
Aug. 23, 2020:
Kathleen Lujan
Poet Kathleen Lujan has carried her passion for the written word with her from childhood. It was where she focused her education and career trajectory. Her book Puddles of Years, is available from the author at katlujan62@gmail.com.
July 27, 2020:
Vera Jo Bustos
Native Las Vegan and West Las Vegas High School grad Vera Jo Bustos is author of A Mindful Journey. The book is the compelling story of Vera Jo’s personal growth through athletics and emergence as a motivational speaker. Listen to her demo video here to put a zing in your step today. https://www.mentalitysolutions.com/keynote-motivational-speaking
JULY 7, 2020:
Joy Alesdatter
Joy Alesdatter, poet, read from her collection of work in the first LVLS event, a Roundtable featuring four other authors.
Tim Hagaman
Historian Tim Hagaman, is employed by the New Mexico Department of Economic Development and has particular interests in historical reenactment, preservation, and feature writing in history journals.
Beth Urech
Beth Urech is a regular columnist for the Las Vegas Optic, a performance artist specializing in the spoken word, singing, and acting.