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Las Vegas Lit has released a Call for Submissions for a themed collection focusing on “up from the ashes.”
Many northern New Mexico residents continue to deal with the aftermath of fires and floods, but the theme may be interpreted in other ways: up from the ashes of lost love; up from the ashes of a lost job or career; up from the ashes of debilitating illness… Use your writer’s imagination. The submissions may be in essay or short fiction (2000 words max), or poetic form. The target publication date is early to mid-April 2023, subject to change.
Submission guidelines will be released soon so get your creative juices going. As compensation, writers will receive a copy of the published book.
We welcome all submissions. There is no reading fee. Please follow the submission guidelines to assure your work is considered for publication.
Members of Las Vegas Lit are eligible to participate in the call. If you have questions, email hello@lvlitnm.org and type QUESTION in the subject line.
This will be the second collection published by the organization. The first, Tapestry: Tales • Essays • Poetry, was published in November 2021. The book is available in Las Vegas at Paper Trail and Books of the Southwest or may be ordered online from Amazon.