Las Vegas Lit

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Blanche Brings Historic Figure to Life

On Sept. 18, Deborah Blanche, widely known for her portrayal of notable women from history, will be part of the New Mexico History Museum’s day-long public celebration of Nina Otero-Warren, one of four remarkable women to be represented on quarters released by the U.S. Mint. The free event runs from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Click here for a complete list of activities. Deb’s La Nina Chautauqua begins at 1 p.m. in the museum auditorium.

Nina Otero-Warren, champion of education, and advocate for cultural preservation will be celebrated with talks, special activities, and entertainment. Otero-Warren was a leader in New Mexico’s suffrage movement and the first female superintendent of Santa Fe public schools.

Deb, as Nina, invites the audience into her library on the occasion of her 70th birthday. There she reminisces and confides, answers, and disclaims, takes you back on the campaign trail of 1922, shares some of her pandemic experiences, and even tells stories from her book Old Spain in Our Southwest. Ever provocative, she also raises questions about why women have not yet been written into the US Constitution; the inequities in health, labor, and education for Native Americans and Hispanics; and the role of the arts, language, and culture in education.

Deb, an accomplished writer and actress, is a member of Las Vegas Lit Salon.