The Writer’s Room

Blanche Brings Historic Figure to Life
On Sept. 18, Deborah Blanche, widely known for her portrayal of notable women from history, will be part of the New Mexico History Museum’s day-long public celebration of Nina Otero-Warren, one of four remarkable women to be represented on quarters released by the U.S. Mint.

Seeking Short Story Submissions
The Las Vegas Literary Salon announces a call for submissions to the Elmer Schooley Short Story Contest, with support from its fiscal sponsor organization, the Las Vegas (NM) Arts Council, and made possible by the generous donation from Lorenzo Martinez of four Elmer Schooley prints.

Thanks to These Generous Donors Who Help Support Las Vegas Literary Salon
The Las Vegas Literary Salon Elmer Schooley Short Story Prize fund-raising effort is supported by donations from educator, author and artist Ray John de Aragon, and Rosa Maria Calles, artist, playwright, and folklore dramatist.

Seeking Short Story Entries
If you enjoy writing short stories, this is for you.

Resources and More
Julie Sola Shares Her Experience:
Julie Sola’s insight and experience gave Word Merchandising event attendees food for thought and solid leads to outlets that can help writers and artists get their work before new eyes and into viable marketplaces.

Las Vegas Literary Salon News and Notes
The Las Vegas Literary Salon is looking for a reader/judge for the Elmer Schooley Short Story Prize writing contest, which is based on a print Schooley created in his student years.

Tapestry Now Available
The Las Vegas Literary Salon team says THANKS! The response to our book launch featuring Tapestry: Tales, Essays, Poetry was amazing.

Writing and Reading Go Hand in Hand
Writers write. Right? One would think so, but it’s surprising how many writers are inveterate procrastinators.

Celebrating Young Writers

Dr. Alvin Korte, Feedback
Dr. Korte was the featured guest on Las Vegas Literary Salon’s Visit with the Author, Sunday, May 23. Here are his comments about the experience, shared here with his permission.

How Do You Describe Las Vegas?
When someone who has never been here asks you about our community, what do you say? I tend to talk about the live music that bursts out seemingly at random, especially in the summer.

Yea! Open Mic Event a Success
I’m going to crow just a bit. Las Vegas Literary Salon’s Edwina (Patti) Romero, suggested we do an open mic event in recognition of poetry month, celebrated annually in April.

Quick Fixes When You Don’t Know What to Write
You have some time. Maybe you have some time at the same hour and in the same place every day. Most days, you write eagerly and productively.

Get Lit with Las Vegas Literary Salon
On Sunday, Feb. 28, 4-5 p.m., bring your topic and let’s talk writing. Get Lit with Las Vegas Literary Salon is an open forum on the topics of writing and publishing.

What is the Literary Salon
Howdy! We’re glad you’re here.
Las Vegas Literary Salon hosted its first event Sunday, July 12, thanks to the Las Vegas Arts Council and the Las Vegas NM Community Foundation.