The Writer’s Room

Las Vegas Lit Zine to Launch in 2025
Las Vegas Lit is developing a digital arts and literary journal with its first publication scheduled for Spring 2025. The Nothing Rhymes with Orange editor is accepting submissions of poetry and prose with an eye toward adding photos and images as the concept develops.

A Howling Good Time
Save the Date, Sunday, Oct. 27, 4 p.m. for a howling good time at KickStart Kafe, 148 Bridge Street. There will also be a gathering of writing groups, in addition to celebrating the Literacy Council of Northeastern New Mexico (TLC).

Ray John de Aragon’s New Release
Ray John de Aragon’s new release featured Aug. 27 on Zoom
Las Vegas Lit’s August featured author is Ray John de Aragon, a native Las Vegan whose published works celebrate Hispanic history and culture in books that range from the spooky Eerie New Mexico to The Hidden History of Spanish New Mexico. The Zoom event is set for Sunday, Aug. 27, at 4 p.m.

Writers Group
Are you interested in being in a writers’ group? A safe place where sharing your writing process will lead to constructive criticism and actionable feedback?

Magic Happens
There is something magical about putting together a collection of written works by people you may or may not know.

And the Winners are…
A short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage. A short story is a photograph; a novel is a film.
~ Lorrie Moore