The Writer’s Room

How to Write
"How to write: want to. Stop not writing. Sit down and think of one story you MIGHT be able to tell badly…”

Patti Writes: Write With
It was the mid-1980s. We were three writers teaching writing. Joy, KLujan, and I shared an office, our ideas, our frustrations, and our love of writing.

Patti Writes: June 2023

Patti Writes: Memory Lane
Here I am—back on Memory Lane. A search of old file cabinets revealed the name of the owner of Bridge Street Books & Coffeehouse—Peter Dumont—and one of his poems, which I shall shamefacedly share.

Patti Writes: Clouds
“Always be a poet, even in prose.” Charles Baudelaire.
During Poetry Month 2023, I find myself taking that famous stroll down Memory Lane—this time—Bridge Street. Does anyone remember Bridge Street Books and Coffeehouse (131 Bridge St.)? If memory serves me, it was next door to the camera shop.

Patti Writes
Hello Readers and Bloggers and Writers:
I’m taking a bit of a break this month-end to prepare for my Lit Salon Talk: Reading and Writing Historical Fiction, featuring my novel, Prairie Madness, Conspiracy at Fort Union.

Patti Writes: A Circle of Light
“Is it time yet?” I whisper loudly. ‘In a stage whisper,’ Nanna would say. I am poised with the red table lamp, its cord dangling from the outlet between the two kitchen windows, in one hand, and my library book under my arm.

Patti Writes
Here we are. Poetry Month 2022. This is a poem I “keypunched” when I worked as a keypunch operator at Harbor Service Bureau, Wilmington, CA; circa 1968.

Patti Writes
In thinking about blogging and, thus, about sharing thoughts and ideas, I offer this simple advice to writers and readers:

Patti Writes
“Why do I read?
by Gary Paulsen

Patti Writes
Helen Keller sums it up: “Literature is my Utopia.”

The Transmogrification of My Hands
Once nimble-fingered, strong, and knuckle-crackable, my hands have become autonomous lethal weapons always at the ready to attack my sense of self, to confound me, and to turn an innocent, heretofore intuitive movement into a booby trap.

Patti Writes
The Las Vegas Literary Salon joins the rest of the country in celebrating the joy of poetry.
Patti Writes
April is for Word Lovers

Patti Writes
Hello and welcome to Patti’s blog – all things [except for the occasional digression] books, reading, writing… Yes, I am one of the founding members of the Las Vegas Literary Salon (LVLS).

Welcome to the newly established Las Vegas (NM) Literary Salon (LVLS).
Not to be confused with any salons in the “other Las Vegas,” the Las Vegas Literary Salon (LVLS) is located in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Range of the Great Rocky Mountains and is devoted to writers, readers, and thinkers of the Greater Las Vegas area.